About Ashtanga Yoga

if a person can breathe they can do yoga
— T Krishnamcharya

This quote is for anyone who has ever considered practising yoga but for some reason or other decided it wasn’t for them.

As long as you can breathe you can practice yoga.

Even if you’re not able to touch your toes or sit down on the floor, there is always something you can do.

I’ve taught ashtanga as both a chair and mat-based practice to practitioners from 17 to 75!.

The beauty of the Mysore environment is that everyone can have a practice tailored specifically to their needs.

If you’re interested in starting yoga check out my beginners’ page

Ashtanga Yoga

The Ashtanga Yoga practice links asanas or yoga postures in movement with the breath in what’s known as vinyasa. 

There are three series of Ashtanga Yoga and each is learnt in sequential order starting with the primary series. 

The practice works on three levels:

  1. the yoga postures build strength, stamina, and flexibility

  2. the breath works to purify the nervous system

  3. the Drishti steadies the mind.

When practised over time, our mind gradually becomes less distracted and more able to focus, we become calmer and more resilient, and our body becomes healthy and vibrant.

Ashtanga literally means eight limbs and the eight limbs of yoga according to Patanjali are:

yama (ethical living),

niyama (positive habits/observances),

asana (yoga postures),

pranayama (breath control),

pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses),

dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation)

and samadhi (complete stillness of the mind). 

The first five limbs are external meaning we actively practice them on our yoga mats or as we conduct ourselves in the world.

The final three limbs of Ashtanga yoga arise spontaneously from the sustained practice of the previous limbs, leading the practitioner to discover their highest human potential!

'This practice has amazing healing & transformative powers. Having recently relocated to London, finding Lauren to practice yoga with has been very inspiring. Her constant support & encouragement, positive attitude & calm demeanor have helped keep me looking forward to each day on the mat!.'

— Natasha

There are three ways you can practice Ashtanga Yoga with me

Beginners are welcome at all offerings

Private Ashtanga Classes

Five people meditating together in a bright room with large windows, sitting cross-legged on the floor.

Corporate Ashtanga Classes

Mysore Style Ashtanga Yoga Classes