Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

Reflections from India: Finding Inspiration in Sharath Jois’ Legacy
Sharing some of the most important lessons I learned from my teacher, Sharath Jois, over the years.

5 Ashtanga Yoga Myths We Should Let Go Of
In this post, I’ll address five common myths surrounding Ashtanga yoga, explain why they no longer serve us, and why it’s time to let them go.

Why do we practice challenging asanas in Ashtanga Yoga?
Have you ever wondered why we tie ourselves into knots physically and metaphorically on our yoga mats during our Ashtanga yoga practice? (Hint it's not so we can increase our social media following)

Mysore, interrupted…- Guest Blog From Tom Norrington Davies
Some thoughts on convenience and devaluation in the age of High street Yoga).

Top 5 tips for a sustainable home yoga practice
Here are my Top 5 tips to help you practice ashtanga yoga at home consistently.

The Meaning of Namaste
Saying namaste has become a popular way for many yoga teachers to end a yoga class. This post explores the Sanskrit meaning of Namaste and its use.

Why do we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala?
Find out why we remove our shoes before entering a yoga shala

Top 7 reasons Mysore style ashtanga yoga is great for beginners
The top 7 reasons why I think Mysore style ashtanga yoga is a great practice for beginners