Lauren’s Ashtanga Yoga Blog

How to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
Padmasana, Yoga asana Lauren Munday Padmasana, Yoga asana Lauren Munday

How to do Padmasana (Lotus Pose)

Padmasana is the most iconic of yoga asanas.  It’s often synonymous with yoga and meditation.  

When practiced safely padmasana can open the hips, stretch and strengthen the knee and ankle.  It improves posture by creating strength and stability in the spine.  It also tones the abdominal area which is said to improve digestion and alleviate menstrual cramps.

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Improve your Headstand - Take your yoga practice upside down 

Improve your Headstand - Take your yoga practice upside down 

Headstand is one of those asanas that takes time to master. It requires a certain amount of core strength as well as strong and flexible shoulders. Inversions are reversing our relationship to gravity, so for that reason, we also have balance and fear to contend with.

In this post, I look at the benefits of inversions, including the so-called “King” of asanas, and provide you with some tips and drills to help you take your practice upside down.

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The Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa Count Explained

The Ashtanga Yoga Vinyasa Count Explained

Have you ever asked yourself why the vinyasa count in Ashtanga yoga is so important?

Perhaps you’re confused about the correct count and when you should be inhaling and exhaling.

In this post, I explain everything you need to know about the vinyasa count in Ashtanga Yoga and give you access to a full online counted-led primary recording.

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5 Ways to Kick-Start Your Ashtanga Yoga Practice and Keep it Going All Year

5 Ways to Kick-Start Your Ashtanga Yoga Practice and Keep it Going All Year

Has your yoga practice fallen by the wayside? Are you wanting to start back up but struggling to find the motivation to get on your mat? Read on to kick-start your yoga practice and more importantly keep it going

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Why Ashtanga Yoga is more than a workout

Why Ashtanga Yoga is more than a workout

Have you ever found yourself wondering how the physical practice of Ashtanga yoga or any yoga asana practice connects with the philosophy of yoga? In this post, I explore some definitions of yoga we can use the foundation of the ashtanga practice (tristhana) to overcome obstacles to practising yoga.

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Top tips to bring comfort and ease to your Nāvāsana

Top tips to bring comfort and ease to your Nāvāsana

Nāvāsana, or the boat pose, is possibly the most unpopular āsana in the primary series. This post aims to shed some light on nāvāsana, and why it’s important so that you can shift your perspective, learn to appreciate and maybe even enjoy nāvāsana.

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Have you just completed your teacher training? Head over to the Yoga Mentor Academy blog for essential advice for new yoga teachers

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