Uttitha Trikonasana Ashtanga Yoga Standing Sequence

Utthita Trikonasana - Extended Triangle - Ashtanga Yoga

Utthita - extended

Trik - triangle 

Kona -  angle 

Asana - yoga form

This asana name is an easy one to remember because its name makes sense. The legs and pelvis make the shape of a triangle.

Utthita Trikonasana is a foundational standing asana of the Ashtanga Yoga Practice. one that we learn at the start of our Ashtanga journey and repeat every time we practice.

That said it often gets rushed through without time taken to understand and work on alignment, therefore missing out on some of the benefits of the asana, which include;

  • strengthening the legs, hips core, and back

  • Stretching the chest, hamstrings, adductors, hips, ankles and side body 

  • According to Yoga Mala, it’s said to strengthen and tone the spine and improve digestion

The work we do in this asana, repeats throughout the practice and it’s an important step in creating space and strength.  Most importantly keeping the upper body over the lower body to create length in the spine as you reach out to the side, and down to your leg. Avoid collapsing forward and losing the length in the torso.

Watch the video to learn how to practice this asana safely and to gain the most benefit.  


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